Delicious Cracked BBQ Pork Bun Recipe | Char Siu Bao 叉烧包 2.0

Fluffy steamed bun filled with a sweet - savory juicy BBQ pork filling

BBq Pork Bun

Steamed BBQ Pork Bun | Char Siu Bao 叉烧包

How To Make Steamed BBQ Pork Bun

Today we will revisit how to make Cracked BBQ Pork Buns in a more detailed recipe video. To make these BBQ Pork buns we will be using a sourdough starter for the dough.

One of the most popular dishes in Chinese cuisine is the BBQ pork bun, also known as char siu bao 叉烧包. These steamed buns are a staple in dim sum restaurants and are loved by many for their delicious filling and soft, pillowy exterior.

The BBQ pork bun has a perfect balance of sweet and savory flavors. The roasted pork is tender and juicy, while the steamed bun is soft and fluffy.

Whether you enjoy it at a dim sum restaurant or make it at home, this tasty treat is sure to satisfy your cravings.

BBQ Pork Bun Easy Version

This recipe is a little bit complicated, but if you follow the instructions clearly you will learn how to make these delicious buns by yourself! If this dough is too much work, you can check out this steamed bun dough recipe for the easy version of the dough which works as well.

Scroll down to check out the ingredients needed for the Steamed BBQ Pork Bun with step by step instructions!


Click HERE to watch the step by step instructions on YouTube


Steamed BBQ Pork Buns | 叉烧包


✿ ½ Onion
✿ 1 Spring Onion
✿ ⅓ Cup Water
1 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon Hoisin Sauce
3½ Tablespoon Sugar
½ Tablespoon Sesame Oil
1 Teaspoon Dark Soy Sauce
¼ Teaspoon Salt
¼ Teaspoon Chicken Powder
✿ Red Food Coloring (Optional)

3 Tablespoons Cornstarch + ¼ Cup Water

✿ Piece Of BBQ Pork

Stiff Starter (Day 1):
✿ 30 Grams Sourdough Starter
✿ 30 Grams Flour
✿ 15 Grams Water

Starter / mother dough (Day 1):
✿ Stiff Starter (ALL)
✿ 240 Grams Flour
✿ 130 Grams Water

Bao Dough Day 2:
✿ Starter (ALL)
✿ 135 Grams Special Bun Flour
✿ 100 Grams Sugar
✿ 1 Ammonia Baking Powder
✿ 20 Grams Double Acting Baking Powder
✿ 4 Grams Cream Of Tartar
✿ 1 Egg White
✿ 1 Tablespoon Butter

BBQ Pork

Day 1:
Prepare Filling

Make BBQ Pork And Sauce.

Stiff Starter

Make Stiff Starter

Use An Active Sourdough Starter.

Mother Dough

Make Mother Dough

Proof Overnight.

Day 2: Main Dough

Make Final Dough And Prep Filling.

Steamed Pork Bun Cracked


Let’s Wrap The Buns.

Homemade Steamed BBQ Pork Bun


Steam Bun 10 Minutes.

Day 1:
On the first day let's prepare some ingredients. I am making homemade BBQ Pork.

Let's make the sauce for the filling. First heat up oil with spring onion and onion. Remove once golden. Add water and all the seasoning (to taste). Once sugar is melted add the cornstarch slurry in batches until you reach a jelly consistency.

We will also make the starter/ mother dough on day 1. First we will need to make a stiff starter. We'll need a active sourdough starter at its peak. I am using my homemade sourdough starter. Mix all the ingredients for the stiff starter. Proof until doubled in size. *Mine took approx. 4 hours 

Now we have the stiff starter we can make the starter / mother dough. Add all the ingredients for the starter/mother dough. Mix until a dough forms. Proof overnight or until doubled in size *Took mine approx. 9 hours.

Day 2:
To the starter/mother dough, add the sugar. Knead until sugar is melted. Add egg whites. Knead until incorporated. Add all the dry ingredients and knead until a non sticky dough forms. Lastly, add the butter and knead until combined. Place in a greased bowl. Rest for 1 hour.

In the meantime let's prepare the filling. Cut pork in small cubes. Meat : sauce ratio depends on personal preferences.

Dough is ready!
Tear or cut in desired pieces. Flatten dough a little. Roll the sides while you keep turning the dough. Keep the middle thick. Add filling. To close the bun, hold the edge of the dough, keep taking more dough while turning the bun.

At the end twist your thumb to create a hole in the middle.

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Steam high heat 10 - 15 Min.
Enjoy! ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

✿ To make these buns you can use special bun flour or all purpose flour. Special bun flour is extra white and more fluffy.
✿ Optional: Add red food coloring to the sauce to make it look more red
✿ When making the sauce don’t add all the cornstarch slurry at once. Slowly keep adding until the right consistency.
✿ Don’t fill the bun with too much stuffing, if you do they won’t crack open/nicely.
✿ Add some vinegar to the steaming water to get whiter buns.
✿ You can also use the easy version bun dough to make these steamed buns.

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